Report “Market Creation on Behalf of Help : Digital Health in Brazil under the Better Health Program”

This report presents the results of an analysis conducted by the Brazilian Center for Health Studies (CEBES), the Public Policy and Internet Laboratory (LAPIN) and the “Implications of Digital Technologies on Health Systems” Project, linked to the Fiocruz Strategy for Agenda 2030. This publication was produced with the support of the Rapid Response Fund of the Derechos Digitales organization.

Written between February and May 2024, this material records the interest in understanding the influence of the UK’s Official Development Assistance (ODA) on the formulation and implementation of Brazilian digital health policies, particularly through the Better Health Program.

The study is structured in four sections, starting with this introduction. Firstly, we provide an overview of digital health in Brazil. Next, we comment on the international diffusion of policies in the context of Official Development Assistance. We then focus on the Better Health Programme Brazil as an initiative linked to the Prosperity Fund, analyzing its influence in the fourth section.

We hope that this study will contribute to other initiatives.

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