

Cynthia Picolo

Executive Director

Cynthia is the Executive Director of the Laboratory of Public Policy and Internet (LAPIN), overseeing research, public policy, and advocacy. She is a lawyer with a Bachelor of Laws from PUC-Campinas University (Brazil) and an LL.M. in Public International Law from Leiden University (Netherlands). She specializes in Privacy, Data Protection, and Artificial Intelligence (Academy of European Law; Vrije University Amsterdam) and holds advanced Internet Governance certification from the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee ( Through LAPIN, Cynthia co-coordinates working groups for Brazil's Artificial Intelligence Strategy under the Ministry of Science, Technology, and Innovations, and serves as a member of the Federal Government's Central Data Governance Committee. She also co-leads the G20 civil society engagement group, C20, in the Working Group on ‘Digitalization and Technology'. Cynthia is also a Research Group Member at the Center for AI and Digital Policy (CAIDP) - AI Policy Clinic-Fall 2024. Additionally, she has worked as a researcher for the IEEE's Planet Positive 2030 Initiative and as a consultant for UNESCO on the implementation of the Readiness Assessment Methodology (RAM) in Brazil.


Camila Cristina da Silva

AI Coordinator

Bachelor of Laws ffrom the University of Brasília (Brazil) and undergraduate in Cyber ​​Defense from GranFaculdade (Brazil). Camila is also aResearcher at the Laboratory of Governance and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence of the Brazilian Institute of Public Law (LIA-IDP). She was an assistant researcher at the Data Protection Law Observatory group of the University of Brasília and a volunteer researcher at the Privacy Lab project “Brazilian Data Protection Law - LGPD - Panel in the Courts” of the Center for Law, Internet and Society (CEDIS-IDP).

Felipe Rocha da Silva

Project Coordinator

Lawyer, Bachelor of Laws from the University of Brasilia (Brazil), LL.M. in Digital Law from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (France), where he was awarded a scholarship by the French Ministry of Education. Felipe is also certified in Advanced Internet Governance by the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee ( and was selected for the Internet Society’s (ISOC) Youth Ambassadors Program 2023-204. Felipe is also a consultant at the Rights in Network Coalition (CDR).

Luani Marcelli

Executive Assistant

Graduated in Bilingual Executive Secretariat. She gained knowledge and experience supporting CEOs and Executives, where she developed skills in managing executive careers and business development, in addition to developing her skills in consulting and event production.

Pedro Diogo Carvalho Monteiro

Vigilance and New Technologies Coordinator

Lawyer, Bachelor of Laws and Master's degree in Criminal Law and Public Liberties from the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil). PhD in Law candidate at the University of Brasília (Brazil). Pedro specializes in topics related to surveillance, criminal system and racial terror, as well as Artificial Intelligence, new technologies and data protection. He is also a consultant at the Rights in Network Coalition (CDR).


Ana Carolina Sousa Dias


Polyglot, undergraduate in Computer Science at the Federal University of Piauí (Brazil) and scholarship holder of the Youth Program twice (2020 and 2022). She holds advanced Internet Governance certification from the Brazilian Internet Steering Committee ( Ana is also a collaborator at C-PARTES (studying Technology and Society in the North of the country) and at the Cátedra Oscar Sala, studying responsible AI. She is also a member of the Research Group at the Center for AI and Digital Policy (CAIDP) - AI Policy Clinic-Fall 2024.

Ana Clara Alves Rocha

Researcher and Communication Assistant

Undergraduate in Law at the University of Paraíba (Brazil). Fellow at the Atlantic Council's DFRLab's 360/Digital Sherlocks program. Research Intern at the Recife Institute for Research in Law and Technology - IP.rec. She was a fellow at the Latin American and Caribbean Internet Governance Forum 16 (LACIGF) and a graduate of the South School of Internet Governance 15.

Katiele Ferreira


Publicist, Bachelor in Social Communication from the Federal University of Ceará (Brazil), Master's student in Communication at the Federal University of Ceará (Brazil). Katyele is also a researcher at Telas - Research Laboratory in Economics, Technology and Communication Policies. She focuses on the discourses on digital technologies and public policies.

Maria Luiza Duarte Sá


Bachelor of Laws from the Federal University of Paraíba (Brazil). Maria Luiza also worked as an intern at the Brazilian Data Protection Authority (ANPD) in the General Coordination Department for Technology and Research and is Alumni of the South School on Internet Governance (2023). She focuses on privacy, data protection and AI governance.

Miranda Almeida


Specialist in Art and Technology. Co-coordinator of the Escola Carnavalesca - Semente Cerratense 2024. Cultural Producer and Project Analyst at the Cultural and Social Institute No Setor. Scholarship holder of the technical layout team at Ibict in the Information Science and Social Inclusion journals.

Pedro Peres


Bachelor of Laws from the Federal University of Pernambuco (2018). Approved for the European Master in Law, Data and Artificial Intelligence (EMILDAI) at Dublin City University (2024-2026). He has been a member of the Public Policy and Internet Laboratory (LAPIN) since 2020, where he was director (2021-2022) and currently works as a researcher. Pedro was a fellow of the Youth@IGF program, of the Internet Steering Committee in Brazil (CGI.Br) in 2016 and 2019. He was a member of Youth4DigitalSustainability (2020) and YouthxPolicyMakers (2021), of the German Informatics Society.

Raquel Rachid


Bachelor in History from the University of São Paulo (Brazil) and Bachelor of Laws from Mackenzie University, with experience at Peking University (China). She holds a Master's degree in Political and Economic Law from Mackenzie University and is a PhD candidate in Social Change and Political Participation at the University of São Paulo (Brazil), with experience at the University of Havana (Cuba). Specialist in topics such as digital health, digital government and surveillance technologies. She is part of the project "Implications of digital technologies in health services and systems", linked to the Fiocruz Strategy for Agenda 2030. Raquel is also a lawyer specializing in personal data protection.

Yuri Lima


Lawyer, Bachelor of Laws from State University of Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil), Master's student in Sociology at the Federal University of Ceará (Brazil). Postgraduate student in Digital Law from the University of Rio de Janeiro/ITS-Rio and specialist in Digital Transformation and Innovation - BBI of Chicago. Yuri also works as a Special Coordinator of Public Policies for LGBTI+ at the Secretariat for Diversity of Ceará State. He was also a legal innovation agent at the Attorney General's Office of the National Treasury (2022-2024) and at the Innovation and Data Laboratory of Ceará - ÍRIS Lab.


Alexandra Krastins Lopes

Counselor and Founding Member

Advogada e pesquisadora em proteção de dados e IA. Foi gerente de projetos na Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD). Cofundadora do Laboratório de Políticas Públicas e Internet (LAPIN). Certificada em AI Policy pelo Center of AI and Digital Policy. Avaliadora no Comitê Gestor da Internet no Brasil (2022-2023-2024).

Thiago Moraes

Counselor and Founding Member

Doutorando em Direito na UnB e na VUB (Vrije Univesiteit Brussels), LLM Law & Technology (Tilburg University), Mestre em Ciências da Informação, Bacharel em Direito e em Engenharia de Redes (UnB). Coordenador de Inovação e Pesquisa na Autoridade Nacional de Proteção de Dados (ANPD), foi o primeiro Encarregado de Proteção de Dados Pessoais da Autoridade. CIPP/E, CIPM, CIPT, CDPO/BR.

[associate members]

José Renato Laranjeira

Founding Member and researcher

Bachelor of Laws from the University of Brasília (Brazil), Masters in Law from the University of Brasília with an exchange at the University of Bologna (Italy). PhD candidate at the Sustainable AI Lab from Bonn University (Germany). José also represents LAPIN as a member of the Federal Government's Central Data Governance Committee. He was a fellow of the German Chancellor Fellow program of the Alexander von Humboldt Stiftung (Germany), having conducted research at the European Parliament to investigate AI regulation in Brazil and Europe.

Otávio Mayrink

Founding Member

Advogado, graduado em Direito pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB), bolsista pelo Emerging Leaders in the Americas Program (ELAP) no Canadá em 2019. Otávio foi diretor presidente do LAPIN em 2020 e é co-fundador do LAPIN. É Forecaster Pro desde 2021 e líder da equipe brasileira de superprevisões. É também fellow do programa Youth Brasil em 2022 do

[meritorious members]

Ana Cláudia Farranha

Former LAPIN Coordinator as UnB's extension Project

Graduada em Direito pela Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (1991), mestra em Ciência Política pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (1999) e doutora em Ciências Sociais pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (2006). Professora Associada da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Brasilia. Professora do Programa de Pós Graduação em Direito da UnB e pesquisadora do Centro de Estudos Avançados de Governo e Administração Pública - CEAG.

Marcelo Gomes

Former Events Director

Bacharel em Informática pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ, bacharel em Direito pela Faculdade Processus, fez o curso de International Public Law na Summer School da George Washington University e concluiu, ainda, as disciplinas do Mestrado Acadêmico em Engenharia Elétrica da Universidade de Brasília - UnB. Servidor do Senado Federal.

Amanda Espinera

Academic Advisor and Reviewer

Doutoranda em Direito pela pela Universidade de Brasília (UnB) e Universidade do Minho em cotutela. Mestre pela UnB. Advogada. Bacharel em Direito pela Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA). Assessora Técnica na Câmara dos Deputados. Atua em pesquisas vinculadas à Modernização Legislativa da Radiodifusão Ministério das Comunicações. No LAPIN, atuou como conselheira acadêmica.