artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is both a field of study and a technology. The number of definitions for it is as significant as the variety of its applications and the speed of its development. It’s possible to define artificial intelligence as the systems capable of analyzing input data in a correct way, of learning with such data and using it to learn to meet the specific goals and tasks (required by humans) from a flexible adaptation.

The risks associated with the malicious or ill-planned use of artificial intelligence present many challenges in different areas, including developing autonomous weapons, using AI for a sophisticated cyberwar, and advertising targeting to promote misinformation. In addition to these examples, the lack of transparency about the methods and resources applied to the development of AI is a cross-cutting issue in many areas, which makes approaching artificial intelligence explainability comparable to the opening of a “black box.” 

In LAPIN, we advocate for implementing the FAT principles (Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency) in developing and utilizing artificial intelligence applications and employing specific privacy by-design techniques like Federated Machine Learning.

Learn more about our work on these matters: