digital economy

People, businesses, gadgets, data, and processes create billions of online connections daily, resulting in the digital economy—a defining economic activity. The core of the digital economy is hyperconnectivity, which translates into the increasing connectivity between people, organizations, and machines made possible by the Internet, mobile technologies, and the Internet of Things (IoT). Over the last few years, the digital economy has been emerging and reshaping conventional notions about how companies must be structured, how they interact, and how consumers obtain services, information, and goods. 

Our Digital Economy project is responsible for studying themes related to data protection from an economic perspective, such as open data, open banking, and data portability in Brazilian digital markets. We also learn the economy of personal information and open innovation, a term coined by Henry Chesbrough to define the points of entry and exits existing in an environment that can help accelerate innovation inside institutions and expand markets for the external use of innovation. 

Learn more about our work on these matters: